
Solving the puzzle of sustainability in higher education construction

In design, sustainability, and programming, the Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences marks the future of construction in higher education. The 19-story, 350,000-square-foot structure will become the tallest building on a dense urban campus, will be the largest fossil-fuel-free building in Boston, designed to achieve LEED Platinum upon completion, and incorporates several innovative …

Solving the puzzle of sustainability in higher education construction Read More »

Easy ways to prevent gutter problems

In design, sustainability, and programming, the Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences marks the future of construction in higher education. The 19-story, 350,000-square-foot structure will become the tallest building on a dense urban campus, will be the largest fossil-fuel-free building in Boston, designed to achieve LEED Platinum upon completion, and incorporates several innovative …

Easy ways to prevent gutter problems Read More »

10 things to know before hiring your contractor

In design, sustainability, and programming, the Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences marks the future of construction in higher education. The 19-story, 350,000-square-foot structure will become the tallest building on a dense urban campus, will be the largest fossil-fuel-free building in Boston, designed to achieve LEED Platinum upon completion, and incorporates several innovative …

10 things to know before hiring your contractor Read More »